Computer Coding and Robotics
Do you want your kid to create the world’s next big tech platform? Kidgenix’s mission is to empower a whole generation to become creators versus consumers of technology. We teach fundamentals of coding–logic, structure, sequence and algorithmic thinking to enable kids to generate creative outcomes eg websites, animations and apps.
Elementary Level (Grade 1-2)
Total Classes: 18
Curriculum Contains:
- Basics of Animation
- Learn a Programming Language
- Create Animation
Core Level
Total Classes: 48
Curriculum Contains:
- Learn a Programming Language
- Create Animation
- Create a Webpage
Advance Level
Total Classes: 72
Curriculum Contains:
- Create a Webpage
- Create a YouTube Channel
- Learn Cyber Security
Excellent Level
Total Classes: 144
Curriculum Contains:
- Learn Cyber Security
- Develop an App
- Introduction to Micro-Controller Programming
Elementary Level (Grade 3-4)
Total Classes: 18
Curriculum Contains:
- Learn a Programming Language
- Create Animation
- Introduction to Web-Designing
Core Level
Total Classes: 48
Curriculum Contains:
- Introduction to Web-Designing
- Create Animation
- Develop an App
Advance Level
Total Classes: 72
Curriculum Contains:
- Introduction to Web-Designing
- Develop an App
- Game Development
Excellent Level
Total Classes: 144
Curriculum Contains:
- Game Development
- Learn Python and JavaScript
- Basics of Data Base Management System
Elementary Level (Grade 5-6)
Total Classes: 18
Curriculum Contains:
- Design a Website
- Create Animation
- Web Hosting
Core Level
Total Classes: 48
Curriculum Contains:
- Design a Website
- Web Hosting
- Develop a Desktop App
Advance Level
Total Classes: 72
Curriculum Contains:
- Learn Cyber Security
- Learn Python and JavaScript
- Introduction of Database Management System
Excellent Level
Total Classes: 144
Curriculum Contains:
- Learn Python and JavaScript
- Introduction of Database Management System
- Introduction to Programming in Embedded C and Robotics
Elementary Level (Grade 7-8)
Total Classes: 18
Curriculum Contains:
- Introduction of Web Designing
- Create Animation
- Develop an App
Core Level
Total Classes: 48
Curriculum Contains:
- Introduction of Web Designing
- Create Animation
- Game Development
Advance Level
Total Classes: 72
Curriculum Contains:
- Game Development
- Introduction to AI and IOT
- Real World Problems Based Project
Excellent Level
Total Classes: 144
Curriculum Contains:
- Introduction to AI and IOT
- Real World Problems Based Project
- Programming a micro bit
- Introduction of DBMS
- Application of IOT and AI
Elementary Level (Grade 9-12)
Total Classes: 18
Curriculum Contains:
- Design a Website
- Develop an App
- Basics of Python
Core Level
Total Classes: 48
Curriculum Contains:
- Develop an App
- Basics of Python
- Introduction of DBMS
Advance Level
Total Classes: 72
Curriculum Contains:
- Basics of Python
- Introduction of Database Management System
- Programming of Micro-Controllers Using Embedded “C” * Real Time Project on AI
Excellent Level
Total Classes: 144
Curriculum Contains:
- Programming of Micro-Controllers Using Embedded “C” * Real Time Project on AI
- Research Based Project on AI
- Develop & Publish an App
- Robotics
Introduce your child to the World of Coding
What is Coding ?
Coding is basically the computer language used to develop apps, websites, and software. Without it, we’d have none of the most popular technology we’ve come to rely on such as Facebook, our smartphones, the browser we choose to view our favorite blogs, or even the blogs themselves. It all runs on code.
Help them build websites, apps and games with KIDGENIX Super Teachers.
“Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.”
–Harold Abelson
KIDGENIX's coding courses are oriented towards coding and programming. You will learn:
The essentials of coding: Logic, Structure, Sequence
To create Websites, Animations & Apps
Mobile App Development, Artificial Intelligence, Web development, Python Programming, Java Script
How to manipulate data using the programming languages
Develop Analytical and Computational Thinking
To think of being a problem solver
Understand how technologies converse with each other
Careers Where Learning to Code is Helpful:
Database Administrator
Web Developer
Information Security Analyst
Applications Developer
Health Informatics Specialist
Instructional Designer
Digital Marketing Manager